I have been dealing with photography for many years, in fact it has always been my hobby. Already in elementary school, instead of books in my backpack to school, I carried a camera, and the bathroom for the family was available only at the weekend, because it was a darkroom during the week. 
For many years I worked with well-known and respected photographers from Włodawa relieving them of the excess of orders (weddings, communions). However, I have always treated photography as having fun and not a way of life. When taking photos, I took them with passion, looking for beauty and artistry in the photographed scenes. Current technology makes it possible to take more, better and more beautiful photos, so I am even more determined to devote more energy and time to this passion. The photos that I take with the greatest pleasure are portraits and reportage photography. My favorite style in photography is naturalness and faithful reproduction of reality. In the colors of photos, I like slightly increased color saturation and the warm atmosphere of photography.
My photos are presented in various places of public space and at exhibitions, the best examples of this are the information boards on the promenade by the Włodawka River, and the photography exhibition at the Pauline Monastery in Włodawa. Internet media, local newspapers and Polish TV TVP3 Lublin are also eager to reach for my photo and film materials.
I work on a permanent basis, making photo and film reports with various companies and organizations, including the WEGA Sailing Club Association in Włodawa, the Chełm Sailing Club, the Municipal Housewives Circle in Włodawa, "Zosie Samosie" , Wlodawa House of Culture, the Parish of St. Louis in Wlodawa and others. I am also a photojournalist of a popular website in Włodawa - wlodawa.net .
Therefore, I think that the time has come to share the acquired knowledge and experience with others in the form of beautiful and professional photos. 
I invite you to my studio and to the beautiful landscapes of the Bug river. 
Greg Woloszun
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